Blogger profile: Thales DIS

The company behind our blog. Anonymous authors and former employees are assigned the Thales DIS pen name. You are still welcome to add your comments and contact us regarding these subjects.


Blogs by this author

The deepfake threat: How do banks respond?

Misinformation and fake news are on the rise – so prevalent that the World Economic Forum identified it as the biggest threat in its 2024 Global Risks Report. The threat posed by misinformation has been growing for several years now, but this is only compounded by the growing sophistication of deepfake technology. Artificial intelligence has […]

Securing eGovernment services with Post-Quantum Cryptography

Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) is a new technology designed to defeat brute force attacks performed using quantum computers, which have the potential to break many of the commonly used cryptographic algorithms today. As quantum computing technology advances, traditional cryptographic systems, such as RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), will become vulnerable to attacks due to their […]

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