Category: Telecoms

Morse Code: How did it change communication?

In today’s society, instantaneous messaging is something we both need and expect in our everyday lives. Just think about the number of times you rely on it in a single day; work emails, IMing colleagues, WhatsApping friends. It’s almost impossible to cast your mind back to what communication looked like centuries ago.

Unlocking the true potential of IoT with 5G

5G connectivity will power a world of new services. By 2025, it will account for 21% of the world’s mobile connections – and has the power to truly unlock the potential of the Internet of Things (IoT), connecting billions of objects. 5G unleashes a powerful combination of extraordinary speed, expanded bandwidth, low latency, and increased […]


MWC 2022 – Unleashing the Power of eSIMs

By 2025, 2.4 billion smartphone connections will use eSIMs globally, and as this adoption continues to grow, having a clear strategy will be vital to capitalise and make best use of the new opportunities that this technology presents. We’re starting to see an increasing number of mobile devices that have eSIM functionality built in – […]