Tag: Chip and pin

Driving EMV adoption: the benefit for banks

According to recent reports from Visa, EMV deployment in the US is accelerating. An estimated one million Visa-branded EMV chip-enabled cards had been issued by the end of 2011. In addition to this, Mastercard has finally agreed to join Visa in supporting the technology in the US. EMV, which regular readers by now know stands […]

NFC – What’s the view on the street?

It’s official. NFC is here; but how many people know it? We commissioned Opinion Matters to carry out research that highlights the need for consumer education on NFC – or to put it correctly: Near Field Communication, as only 32% of consumers know what NFC actually stands for, while one third of respondents worry about using a mobile wallet for security reasons.

How can we fight online banking fraud?

Online banking fraud is down by nearly a third in the UK, according to banking industry group Financial Fraud Action (FFA) UK.  This is quite an astonishing figure, which the FFA attributed to a rise in anti-fraud software and chip-and-pin technology. It is great to see the UK demonstrating how to attack online banking fraud […]

Why use secure eBanking devices?

Using secure eBanking devices reduces online fraud because a hacker cannot access (or take) money from your online banking accounts using only your stolen login information. The hacker would also need the device, a smart bankcard and reader or a secure USB token. Still not convinced you should use secure eBanking devices? Read on!