Tag: Passwords

Mind your thoughts, they could be hacked

As a child, I often wondered whether my thoughts were visible to others in a cloud above my head. (I had obviously been reading too many comics where dialogue and monologues are depicted as such.) Thankfully the wisdom of age has shown this not to be true, but such an invasion of your privacy is […]

“12345” thoughts on securing access

Earlier this year, I posted a somewhat comical blog on a list of the weakest passwords being used in corporations. While we all know we will have users that use “password” for their password, it never ceases to amaze me that even with the number of recommendation and best practices available we still see major […]

Why we need a password-less future

If you’ve read part one, you’ll know that there’s a persistent problem with passwords. Despite the continued warnings, data breaches and endless guidance – weak and easily hackable passwords still guard a sobering number of online accounts and identities. Past experience tells us this is unlikely to change.